Thursday, September 17, 2009

What to do if you don't have anything at home?

Originally uploaded by mamaofmelissa

This week I've forget to buy salad. Stupid of course, since I like to put salad in my Bento. After a long inspecting the refrigerator I found I didn't have any fruits except apples and grapes ( and a kiwi wich seems to be to hard, read sour) So although I've already cooked my rice for the onigiri, I had nothing to put in my bento!!! I didn't even had nori, how could I be so stupid!!!

So, I had to improvise. This is the result of my quest to Bento ingredients.

In the upper layer, red and green grapes, and three onigiri in the lower layer. At the left, a Hello Kitty onigiri with bonito flakes furikake, In the middle Onigiri filled with tuna and sesameseeds and kimchi-nori and at the right a My Melody onigiri with bonito flakes furikake.

I found out bonito flakes furikake is much to salt to me. So, I have 2 options. Option 1, use more rice or option 2, never buy bonito flakes furikake anymore. ( I think I will go for option 2. )

1 comment:

  1. You're great!
    You can make everything nice!!
    Can't wait till next time!!
